The “About Me” post

Yes I have seen an “About Me” post in many blogs so I’ll just keep the lovely trend going.Alright,I’m from Cleveland Ohio(go Cavs).I have been in theatre for about 10 years.I’m really a on-stage kinda guy but crew work is also really fun(plus I’ve had some of my best moments in crew).My favorite show that I have seen is probably either “The Lion King” or “Godspell”. “Wicked” is on my list of shows to see and I hope I get the chance to see it someday.I’ve been playing Tennis since I was about….uh…we’ll say 14.It’s one of the few sports that I can actually play well.I’m a fan of basketball but I can’t shoot a basket to save my life.I love to sing.It’s really kind of sad when you are hanging out with your friends and you break out into song.It happened…a lot.Writing is a great passion of mine.I have recently slowed down because I took 2 writing courses and really needed a break so I hope to get back into it.I hope to be a published author(I’m just going to assume the blog doesn’t count).I have a very long way to go but I think I can do it.
So their ya have it.You now know a little more about me…I hope.I’m not really sure if anyone can actually read this but,if you are,you can follow me on twitter @claycourttennis (once again all one word).I hope to hear from you guys soon.
Alright so that was the whole “what I like to do part.”

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Hello blogging world.

Hi everyone.My name is Gregory O’Connor(you can call me Greg).This is the blog that I made for my GSW class.I have plenty more to do so this will be a short post.I’ve had a good day so far.I’m still getting adjusted to life here at BG but I’m enjoying myself.If you care to know more you can follow me on twitter at claycourttennis (all one word) I’ll post a link at some point.Thanks everyone.

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