Corey Whitacre's Blog

Games/Simulations in the Classroom
December 13, 2010, 5:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The purpose of this article is to review the scientific evidence on the use of games, simulations, and microworlds as multimedia learning tools. In this article we consider games, simulations, and microworlds within the broad organizational framework of educational multimedia. I think that using games and simulations in a classroom is a good thing. It gives some sort of hands on experience without leaving the classroom. I really feel that the closer you can make the learning process to real world application the more valuable it is.

From Multimedia Learning in Games, Simulations, and Microworlds by Lloyd P. Rieber in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning edited by Richard E. Mayer. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2005. Reprinted with permission.

Virtual Worlds
December 3, 2010, 12:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

“Virtual Worlds Research: Past, Present & Future”

Vol.1. No. 1

ISSN: 1941-8477

July 2008

Meeting in the Ether

A brief history of virtual worlds as a medium for user-created events

By Bruce Damer, President and CEO, Digital Space Corporation, Founder, Contact Consortium.

As I am not very familiar with the whole virtual world movement I figured this article would give me a good overview of what they are. This article explains the origins of virtual worlds, the present of virtual worlds and the future.

Virtual worlds are a new medium of human presence for the 21st Century. Virtual world are now making their impact in education, business, science and engineering. This article explains the development of the virtual world and the future.

I think I could use this article in a business marketing education classroom. This article can show students on how virtual worlds are changing the world. How business and marketing companies are talking advantages of a whole new world.


Businesses are using second life and virtual worlds to expand and increase profit.

This research was helpful to help me understand the concept and the origins of the virtual world.

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