Corey Whitacre's Blog

A Day in The Life of Web 2.0
November 29, 2010, 4:10 pm
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To me a Day in the Life of Web 2.0 shows how technology can be incorporated into all classrooms. I feel that it is more common than not for individual to think just about a computer class or a science class for technology infused into the curriculum. But the passage of A Day in the Life of Web 2.0 proved that wrong.

Technology can be infused into any subject or content. It is a part of everyday life and every aspect of life. There is no such thing as resisting technology anymore. If you do you will fall behind in the digital divide.

Infusing as much technology in business education is very important.  Not just for the benefit of being tech savvy or on the cutting edge. But, much technology is used for collaboration just as much today. This is important for students to understand and to be familiar as they enter the business/workforce. Business and technology are changing every day so students must be current and know how to properly used technology not only to benefit them but also to be able to collaborate with others.

Chapter 9
November 19, 2010, 8:05 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

In chapter nine there was a section on textbooks that caught my interest. We all know by now that wikis make collaborative writing possible. The book says that David Warlick has come up with an idea for textbooks that use wiki technology.  Warlick ask several questions about this. One question that sticks out to me is, “What if we could stop buying textbooks, and use the money to provide every teacher and learner with access to the world of digital networked content?

I think this is a good idea in theory and maybe in the future but seems a bit too much now. I know that the world of business is turning and depending on these means of communication and information through technology. But, we can’t just throw all of our textbooks away and use just technology. For one, many school systems are not in the finical situation for this or to have enough text books let alone also, the strain of vision that is associated to reading digital text.

I think that we will eventually see this and it is very important to teach students so that they are successful in a changing world. I just don’t think it can or should happen overnight.

Chapter 8
November 5, 2010, 12:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Currently 5.4 million students are classified as limited English proficient (LEP). They are expected to make up one of every four students by the year 2025. How does this affect us as educators? It affects the way we communicate and they way these students will interpret what is being said. As we have learned through the course of this semester blogs and podcasting can be used for so many different functions. This even includes in a way breaking down language barriers. Blogs can be used as authentic language activities for students. This can include students listening, reading and participating in threads of learning communities.  I think that this is important, as we do not always communicate with proper English to each other and for those who are now learning the English language may easily become confuse by the way we communicate with each other, this gives a real feel for the language and the way it is used today. This is especially important and students enter the business world, as many of the English language words can be misinterpreted through the way it is communicated.

                This method also benefits students with special needs. Students with learning challenges are now have these tools to help them learn in way that best meet their learning styles. This is an ongoing challenge for all schools to provide equal opportunity to learn and achieve to all students. This allows these students with special needs to access the information and to develop and learn. In return, they will be able to use their knowledge to help achieve their goals and passion in the workforce and life also.

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