Corey Whitacre's Blog

The Future of Online Learning and Personal Learning Environments
October 16, 2010, 4:06 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Online learning is traced back to 1995. Now it may have been around longer but this is when online learning became more then the future. It became a reality. Online learning really grew along side with the World Wide Web for obvious reasons. With that said, as the internet and technology has advanced tremendously in the last fifteen years so has online learning.

            The new environments of online learning include two major components. First, the multimedia explosion. This includes podcast, YouTube and slide sharer. This truly gives the opportunity to gain and receive more information than ever from wherever. Second, is mobile commuting such as mobile phones, PDAs ect. This truly gives us a wireless world where today’s people’s phones are better than computers from the past. We can access the web from anywhere.

            Another major change in online learning is the Web of 2007. It looks like nothing before its time. The definition of the Web of 2007 refers to the major changes the internet had seen at that time. The changes are such as social networks, blogs and wikis. As we all know from experience these changes have really changed the way we learn in the classroom and more importantly online.

6 thoughts on “The Future of Online Learning and Personal Learning Environments

  1.    Rose Kuceyeski 10.16.10 @ 9:31 pm      

    Hopefully you learned something new about online learning from this Slideshare PPT.

  2.    apsutte 10.17.10 @ 9:08 pm      

    I can remember using the internet in high school during the late ninties and early 2000’s. It was so limited and restricted. I think it’s wonderful that students have access to so many interesting sources that I never had as a student. I am also impressed with the speed at which these students can access this information. I can honestly remember using a set of my dad’s old encyclopedia’s from the 60’s to complete homework assignments. Thank heavens my future students will not have to face that burden.

  3.    audacity dOwnload 10.29.10 @ 2:10 am      


  4.    AVG 11.14.10 @ 12:16 am      

    how to use

  5.    james 01.12.11 @ 3:30 am      

    like me

  6.    bingo 08.16.17 @ 10:13 pm      

    Ι am not suгe where you are getting yoᥙr informatіon, but good topic.
    I needs tο spend some timе learning more or understanding more.

    Thanks for excellent info I was looking for this inf᧐ foг my mission.

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