Corey Whitacre's Blog

Chapter 3
September 13, 2010, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Access to online tools and services has change the way the world works. Business uses these online tools daily in every capacity. With that said, when students enter the workforce they will be expected to know how to use and operate these tools. This will be expected from the. With that said, we must ensure we are keeping student current with these tools and how they operate. In return mean that as educators we too shall stay current though continuing education.

Project based learning in more important than ever. I feel that this way of teaching and learning gives real value. The students learn more than just the content. They begin to understand how to work with others and how to manage. These are skills that they will be able to apply every day.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 3

  1.    ferguse 09.13.10 @ 2:42 pm      

    I have to say that it might be more important us as educators to make sure that we are current in what technology is out there to use. This is because the students were raised with technology and are not afraid in trying what is new in the technology world. With the project based learning, it does give the students skills that they probably would not have gotten otherwise and hopefully it will help to set them apart when it comes time for them to get a job.

  2.    annef 09.13.10 @ 8:27 pm      

    I agree that project based learning is the most effective teaching method in our current educational systems. As businss educators the best way to teach our students is through real world application and situations. Some of our students will not continue on to college, so being able to discuss such projects will give them an advantage during the interview process to those competitors who have not.

  3.    janetn 09.19.10 @ 12:04 am      

    I agree Corey! We absolutly must stay current or we will not be able to help our students. When we teach real life application students benefit so much!

  4.    usual 10.09.18 @ 12:49 pm      

    Ꮃhat a stuff of ᥙn-ambiguity and preserveness of precious experience concerning unpredicted emotions.

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