Corey Whitacre's Blog

BG Promo
September 27, 2010, 6:58 pm
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BG Promo

My Introduction
September 27, 2010, 6:34 pm
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Podcast Corey Whitacre

Disrupting Class (podcast)
September 16, 2010, 2:21 pm
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This was a podcast reviewing a book titled Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns In Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns, Michael Horn, Clayton Christensen and Curtis Johnson discuss how to transform the education system to customize learning for different student needs. Motivation is a main topic presented here. Just like business owners strive to find out what their customers want need or desire, educators need to strive to answere the question what the student is trying to acheive.

Franchise Opportunities for Entrepreneurs (PodCast)
September 16, 2010, 2:03 pm
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A franchise offers the potential owner a great opportunity in many different area. These opportunities can be from a restaurant, health club or even a tax office.  Franchises offer the potential owner a significant advantage. Franchises owners tend to have already established a successful business along with the formula to successfully fun the business. Not to mention name recognition at this point is usually built pretty well. Franchises offer the owner mentoring help such as advertising and training. Franchises can be a great opportunity for many inspired entrepreneurs.

Chapter 4
September 15, 2010, 4:46 pm
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New Tools in School

            Not only has education changed in the sense of how we teach our students and how are students learn, there are new tools available inside and out of the classroom that helps facilitate learning. New Tech High has taken this to the next level. New Tech High uses in-depth project and problem based learning, which we have heard much on these concepts lately.

            What I found really interesting in the reading is that the New Tech High model was developed as part of an overall education reform and to implement a 21st-centuary learning environment. This is very important as in this completive global economy it is important to have a significant percentage of students majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math. A study shows that from the first nine graduating from Napa New tech High, 4-% of the respondents either were majoring or were working in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) professions.

            I also thought that some of the ideas that were explained in the book on how to use technology in content areas were pretty interesting. In math they explained an idea of recording rhymes and songs for whole math families, recording them on an i-pod or cd and then use them for studying.

            With the expansion of technology and the changing in tides of education we are bound to see, and be a part of some really exciting times.

Chapter 3
September 13, 2010, 2:11 pm
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Access to online tools and services has change the way the world works. Business uses these online tools daily in every capacity. With that said, when students enter the workforce they will be expected to know how to use and operate these tools. This will be expected from the. With that said, we must ensure we are keeping student current with these tools and how they operate. In return mean that as educators we too shall stay current though continuing education.

Project based learning in more important than ever. I feel that this way of teaching and learning gives real value. The students learn more than just the content. They begin to understand how to work with others and how to manage. These are skills that they will be able to apply every day.

Chapter 2
September 13, 2010, 2:02 pm
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Students are changing just as fast as technology is. Students are wired today more than ever. with all the advance in technology teaching and learning has changed. With the wide spread access of the internet classrooms are expanding. School days and assignments have no limit ti hours or buildings.

This affecets how students live, communicate and where and when they learn. This has vastly epanded the the way we teach and students learn. I belive this also benifits project based learning.

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