wesleyp's blog

September 5th, 2010

Evaluating Interactive Multimedia – LRND5660

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged    

DNA From the Beginning (Type: Simulation, Format: Shockwave)

  1. Ease of use and navigation.
    For a non-technical person, I find the navigation to be pretty straight-forward. The categories run vertically down the right hand side, and the “in-depth” information runs horizontally across the bottom pertaining to the topic that is currently selected.
  2. Cognitive load.
    I like the way the content is written, as most of it is not common sense, but it is not too technical or advanced to understand. The organization of the information into steps also helps the user take in bits of information at a time.
  3. Knowledge space and information presentation.
    The module is set so that the links and information flow, and each topic is presented step by step; or a user can skip around to what they choose to learn about next.
  4. Media integration.
    The multimedia is good overall as it all loads quickly, and the animations are short and effective. Some of the video clips have low audio quality the presenters are a little dull.
  5. Aesthetics.
    The text is readable and the images are sized well, but I think they overall layout could be improved. I think that users are used navigation down the left hand size, and slides with multiple images scroll left to right instead of being thumbnails that re-size when clicked. The background and text colors used could also be improved.
  6. Overall functionality.
    I think that all of the information and functionality is there, but it could use some updating visually. The layout is usable, but I think it could be better if the navigation was moved to the left. I also think that more engaging video clips would help, as I had a hard time giving them my full attention. Finally – at a glance, the white and blue theme works, but after spending more than a few minutes working with the module, it could use a new background color. I think white is tough to look at for long periods of time.

MecMovies (Type: Tutorial, Format: Flash)

  1. Ease of use and navigation.
    This module’s navigation is easy to use. Some categories have a “more movies” button that sort of hides the additional movies at first glance. I like that the categories are on the left hand side, and the content being reviewed is “center-stage.” The arrows between slides are useful, but a little hidden until you get the hang of the flow.
  2. Cognitive load.
    Most of the content is written in a pretty non-technical manner so it is easy to understand; but some slides do contain a lot of numbers and symbols that make that information a little overwhelming and confusing. Also, with 9 chapters and multiple movies in each, the module as a whole covers a lot, and the amount of time given to complete this module is an important factor in understanding the overall cognitive load.
  3. Knowledge space and information presentation.
    Like mentioned above, if taken chapter by chapter over a period of time, the information seems to be spaced and presented well. The module as a whole, however, seems like a lot to digest if moving from beginning to end.
  4. Media integration.
    The animations are very useful and compliment the text. The load time between movies isn’t bad on a high speed connection, but using dial up or a lower end DSL connection may be a different story. The graphics are technical drawings, but useful in understanding the text.
  5. Aesthetics.
    The background color chosen is great, as it is not white, and it is easy on the eyes. The movies and slides flow nicely within the module, and it was designed similar to a clean webpage, so it felt “familiar.”
  6. Overall functionality.
    I feel that this module does what it was designed to do. It breaks up the information into more manageable pieces, and it incorporates animations and graphics to increase the comprehension. It is a lot of information beginning to end, and it would nice if it included a glossary or anchors to allow for a quick review of certain topics.

Neuroscience for Kids (Type: Collection, Format: HTML/text)

  1. Ease of use and navigation.
    This page has lots of information, but it is presented in a fun and easy to use way. The links are straightforward, and the navigation is consistent. I like how the anchors jump down to more in-depth categories.
  2. Cognitive load.
    There is a ton of information available, but it is organized in a manner that keeps you engaged. The information is broken down, and it uses examples and comparisons that almost anyone can follow.
  3. Knowledge space and information presentation.
    The presentation of information is great, and you know what you are getting with each link or topic that you choose. It is much better than having a breakdown of chapters like the last module.
  4. Media integration.
    The media is targeted appropriately; towards kids. The imagery is helpful and relevant.
  5. Aesthetics.
    Keeping the target audience in mind, the aesthetics are pretty good. Black text on a white background isn’t the best for lots of reading, but it seems to work with this module.
  6. Overall functionality.
    Overall, I would consider this a great module. The links are useful, the layout is easy, and the information is great. I also love that it has a search option that the previously reviewed modules lack. It is a feature that hadn’t even crossed my mind until I saw it utilized in this module.
September 2nd, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 2

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged    

As I am starting to really dig into my master’s courses, I can’t help but feel digitally disorganized for the first time in my file. From the blogs to the tweets, I am hopelessly searching for a way to organize all of the information that is circulating in my courses and life right now.

As I was telling one of my classmates today, my first instinct is to do what I was trained to do as an undergrad… print everything! I am fighting the urge, as I know there is a way to organize and filter everything in a manner that works best for me.

On a positive note – I do love the way that the courses are structured around peer interaction, and I am searching for a method to not only improve my work based on their reviews, but also capture and store their review so I can understand the evolution of my work and all of the twists and turns along the way.

August 28th, 2010

Reflective Journal – Week 1

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged    

Reflective Journal – Week 1

Week 1 traveled at the speed of light. Getting started with both grad school and being a graduate assistant, I was left wondering what I got myself into! I found out during Grad Orientation that I would be teaching my first class as a TA… without the instructor! He wasn’t going to be able to make the class, and I was left to introduce myself to the students and give an overview of the course. Luckily the class went well, and I somehow found the nerves to both teach the class and keep the students engaged…and no one dropped the class (:

Aside from being a teaching assistant, I am wondering how many hours I can possibly spend working at the computer for school. I left my last job because I spent 9+ hours a day glued to a computer monitor, so I am hoping I get the hang of this and can break up the hours I spend sitting here.

August 27th, 2010

LRND6820 – Introduction

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6820  Tagged    

Hi Everyone!
I graduated from BGSU in May of 2009 with a Bachelor of Science in Technology, with Visual Communication Technology as my major, and I have studies in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I have been interested in entrepreneurship since I was young, and I have experimented with many different ventures over the years. A BGSU classmate and I started a digital media company called Twistup Media during college and continue to grow that as we both take on other opportunities.

I am interested in cloud computing, social networking and I have a growing interest in learning / teaching using digital platforms.

I have always had a strong interest in technology, and most of my life is digital. My goal is to learn how to take my passion for the internet and technology; and combine it with what I can learn from the Learning Design program to use it in a positive way. Whether I end up training new employees or teaching college classes, I want to obtain the best methods for  teaching and learning to benefit both my “students” and myself.

I am VERY excited about the Learning Design program and getting to know my classmates and instructors!

April 16th, 2009

VCT 482 Podcast – Take 2

Posted by wesleyp in VCT 482    

This is my updated and revised podcast for VCT 482.The only issue I had is that I have a PC, and my software only records into the WMA format, so you may be forced to download the audio file.

Wes – 482 Podcast

Here is a link to Magento :


And here are some features of Magento :

  • Site Management
  • Mobile Commerce
  • Marketing Promotions and Tools
  • International Support
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Checkout
  • Shipping
  • Payment
  • Order Management
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Accounts
  • Catalog Management
  • Catalog Browsing
  • Product Browsing
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Customer Reviews
  • Cross-Selling
  • Customer Tags
  • Compare Products
  • Wishlists
  • Google Base Integration
  • Google Website Optimizer Integration

April 13th, 2009


We make awesome web sites and web communities. We provide garment decorating for all occasions.

April 13th, 2009

Assignment – Create a BLOG and PODCAST using blogs.bgsu.edu (25 points)

Posted by wesleyp in VCT 482    

Please Note

  • Use one of the templates to create a design that is not the default design.
  • Use an original .mp3 file for your podcast.
  • Add at least one post including the podcast file to your blog.


December 11th, 2008

VCT 366 Blog

Posted by wesleyp in VCT 366    

Here is a video my friend and I shot in our video class. Green Day – Warning – BGSU Style

November 25th, 2008

VCT 366 – Internet Surf and Turf

Posted by wesleyp in VCT 366    

Chapter 2, Project Builder 1:

Part 1:

Showing Copyrighted Material. The female in Chapter 2 infringed on copyrights of the photographs by placing the images in to her own work. The original producer owns these images, and their rights are being infringed when used in other works.

Reproduction of Work. The works of the original owner are being used and manipulated without approval. This is a violation or infringement that could be claimed against the female for not getting prior approval.


Part 2

The purpose and character of the use. This would not be an infringement due to the fact that the work is not being used or reported as news or research.

Nature of the copyrighted work. This would be an infringement due to that fact that even though the work was unpublished and used for entertainment purposes, it was not used strictly for personal use.

Amount and sustainability. This would hold up as an infringement because even though the amount of work used was limited, the original images were identifiable.

The effect of use. This would also hold up as an infringement because even though it was a game, the original works were still used without approval.

November 25th, 2008

Hello world!

Posted by wesleyp in Uncategorized    

Welcome to blogs.bgsu.edu by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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