wesleyp's blog

October 24th, 2010

Reflective Journal – LRND5660

Posted by wesleyp in LRND5660  Tagged    

This week was hands down the busiest since starting grad school. From my 6750 midterm to the 5660 presentation in Elluminate on JSB,  to leading two demonstrations on iMovie in VCT1030, I was really looking forward to this opportunity to sit back and reflect on my accomplishments. Classes are moving fast, but I feel like I am also absorbing more information than I ever did in undergrad. I think that I am finally learning about topics that I have a strong interest in. I knew how to make web sites before I started the VCT program, so I probably didn’t “learn” as much new information as my peers in school. I had to read and research a lot on my own outside of the classroom to advance my skill set. I feel like I am finally learning in class again, and I enjoy learning from my peers and pushing my limits.

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