Architectural Art

Lighting Architecture


As a student studying architecture, there is a lot more to the major than just buildings. I have done more design work with architecture than I have in a lot of the art focused classes I have taken. I absolutely love art. For my theory class I looked into the art of architectural lighting design. For this assignment we were asked to make a video. And my video was all about lighting and how it is used as a visual aesthetic in everyday life. I related the pictures to a song I found by Deadmau5 called Strobe, I did a lot with how I related the elements I used in the video to each other. Everything relates back to lights in some way. I have the pictures moving fast to represent a strobe light, which is the name of the song I used. Creating a minute and a half long video was complicated with how many pictures I wanted to use in it. I had found photos using Google images and a video clip of the Eifel tower I recorded while I was visiting. I think the video represented the assignment and the subject very well.




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