The Critiques

Critiques on SecondLife are something to get use to, but more interesting than anything else. I was actually impressed with how easy it was to have the pictures of our work uploaded into the class art gallery. I haven’t explored enough through second life to know how do to 1/4th of what it is capable of.

I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s work, getting to view other styles, colors and how other people view art is something I really enjoy doing. With the many different options of artists to choose from I believe we all chose a work of art that meant something to us, whether reflecting something we enjoy doing or something reflecting our family and friends. Everyone did an amazing job reflecting their work back to the masterpieces they had chosen. Doing this by using colors, figures, or scenes from the original paintings and making it our own creation. Great job guys!

The critique process, like ever other critique I have been a part of, always freak me out. Anxiety always gets me for some reason. I figured since I wasn’t technically there speaking it would be different, but it still plays its toll. Being asked questions while typing and reading another question stresses me out to the where I’m misspelling words and forgetting thoughts, haha it’s a nightmare. I’m trying my best to get through it, I mean I should be use to speaking in front of people, but every time I start talking it feels like the first time. SecondLife is just another hurdle I have to jump over.

Over all I fell like I will be more prepared for the final critique and won’t be dreading it so bad. SecondLife has opened up an entirely new way for people to communicate and interact.


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