Recent Opinion Essays

“Myth of the Magic Bullet,” CounterPunch, July 15, 2024

“Where Will the Right-Wing War on Curricula Go Next?” Chronicle of Higher Education, February 2024

“Senator used “ad hominem” attacks to defend bill that would kill college programs” Columbus Dispatch, May 2023

“Making ethnic studies illegal in Ohio: Even watered down, SB 83 requires teaching racism” Ohio Capital Journal, May 2023

“Anti-Wokeism and the Vulnerability of Interdisciplinarity” Inside Higher Ed, June 2023

“In proposed higher education law, Ohio Republicans have gone ‘woke’” Capital Journal, March 2023

“Professor: Lawmaker’s vague crusade forcing me from department, but truth won’t be silenced” Columbus Dispatch, March 2023

“Slanting History to Smear Hulu’s 1619 Series” CounterPunch, February 2023

“The Unbearable Whiteness of Ken Burns” Chronicle of Higher Education, April 2022

“How I Came to Love CRT Bans” Inside Higher Ed, April 2022

“Professor: ‘Only the brave and foolish’ will teach about race, ethnicity if bill passes” Columbus Dispatch, February 2022

“How to Sink Anti-CRT Bills: The key is accreditation” Chronicle of Higher Education, February 2022

“What makes a monument ‘problematic’? Consider Chicago’s Haymarket Riot Monument” Chicago Tribune, March 2021

“The Slippery Matter of ‘Truth’ in Patriotic Education: Laws against teaching critical race theory might backfire on Republicans” Chronicle of Higher Education, August 2021

“What the 1619 Project Really Means: Its liberal and conservative critics both miss the point.” Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2020

Anti-Critical Race Theory and Neo-McCarthyismCounterPunch, June 2021

Inside the Attacks on Critical Race TheoryCounterPunch, May 2021

The Sheer Absurdity of Trump’s “1776 Commission” Report Is Hard to OverstateJacobin, January 2021

Historians’ Beef with the New York Times 1619 Project’s View of the American RevolutionCounterPunch, July 2020

The 1776 Unites Project Is an Exercise in Empty Capitalist BoosterismJacobin, September 2020

Trump, Greenland and Manifest DestinyCounterPunch, August 2019

“How Google Scrambled the Academic Mind: Experts once organized knowledge. Now search engines do. The result? Anarchy.” Chronicle of Higher Education, May 2019

A.L.I.C.E. in ShooterlandCounterPunch, April 2018

“Right But Wrong: Trump’s Defense of Confederate Symbols and Its Threat to Color-Blind Liberalism,” Counterpunch, August 2017

“Whipping bigots ignores depth of our racist history,” Guest Editorial, Capitol Times (Madison, Wisconsin), August 2017

“Concealed Carry, Whiteness, and the Myth of the Protector,” Z Magazine, December 2015

Empty Glass CityCounterPunch, August 2014

“The Undue Weight of Truth on Wikipedia,” The Chronicle Review (Chronicle of Higher Education) February 2012