About Me

I am a professor in the School of Cultural and Critical Studies at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

I earned my Ph.D. in History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1994 and have since served as professor of History and chair at the University of Toledo and professor of Ethnic Studies and chair of the Ethnic Studies department at Bowling Green State University.

I am the author of nine books spanning numerous topics from the character of the early abolitionist movement in the 1700s to the struggle for racial equality in the 1980s. Two of these works were recognized with national and international book awards. I’ve been the recipient of university awards for outstanding teacher and outstanding researcher. This year the Association of Ethnic Studies honored me with their award for Outstanding Advocacy in Race & Ethnic Communities.

I’m the father of three sons and a grandfather. I’m also an amateur triathlete who finally broke through this year and made it onto the podium with a third place at the Des Moines Ironman 70.3 and a fourth at the Memphis Ironman 70.3.

Wikipedia Bio