Welcome Students, Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Alumni….

Hello and welcome to “The Teaching & Learning Professor”, where you will find interviews of college faculty, staff, administrators, students, and alumni every week. Topics cover all aspects of formal and informal learning in higher education. The goal of this podcast is to help faculty understand the best ways to teach and for students to understand the best ways to learn.

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Have you ever driven home from work and after arriving home you can’t remember any of the details of your daily commute? Did you wonder if you actually stopped at all of the stop signs or drove on the right side of the road? This actually began happening to me after teaching the same marine biology lectures for 10 years. My lectures were completely on auto-pilot. I think they were OK and my course reviews were good. However, I was bored and my students had to be bored too. To improve my courses and to keep myself engaged, I began to intensely study pedagogy. To force myself to learn, I began to facilitate faculty learning communities, mentor new faculty, and teach professional development workshops for our Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. These efforts rejuvenated my love of teaching and this podcast is my newest attempt to reach a much larger audience than just my peers at Bowling Green State University.


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