writer based prose

October 22nd, 2009 by tbudrow

there are a few instances of writer based prose and i could try to fix this by reading over it and making it easier for others to understand

what i’m proud of

October 19th, 2009 by tbudrow

I really like my third point in the essay about social phobias. even though it might not be well written.

working thesis for essay 3

October 19th, 2009 by tbudrow

My thesis is that people use social networking sites because they feed on getting attention, that they become addicted to social networking, and that they have a social phobia. i found research on behaviors of people with social phobias and info on people with addictions to facebook.

how i’ve improved

October 19th, 2009 by tbudrow

i write with more detail now and i understand more about how to organize a paper. my papers are better than before. having a teacher tell you what you’re doing wrong definately helps. i would still like to put more detail in my papers and be able to write more clearly.

trend that interests me

October 15th, 2009 by tbudrow

how everyone has a need to use technology. they feel like they are connecting with everyone and they feel important, but they are actually disconnected from everyone because they dont physically interact with anyone.


October 5th, 2009 by tbudrow

My audience is the Bowling green city council. I attempted to give them information on how a new theatre could help the city, but i didnt talk in a way that they would want me to.

rubric compared to draft

October 5th, 2009 by tbudrow

I feel that my essay draft is weak in all areas of the rubric. It was poorly done, but i hope i can fix it up.


September 23rd, 2009 by tbudrow

I don’t really know how to organize all the information i want in the paper correctly. im sure most of my questions will be answered in the comments on the rough draft.

sources and topic

September 23rd, 2009 by tbudrow

I’m writing my paper on how bowling green should get a better movie theatre.





What I like and what i’d work on

September 15th, 2009 by tbudrow

I like the content of my paper but if I had time I would work on organizing the ideas better so they flow better.

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