9/25 reader response.
September 28th, 2009
Academic Honesty
- Make sure you always site your sources. If you use any information from a internet site, a book, interview etc make sure you give credit to that site.
- Never ask a roomate, friend, parent to write a paper. You may ask her/him to help you make improvements on your paper,but not do.
- Never try and bribe a teacher into changing a grade.
- Never threaten a teacher to change a grade.
- NeverĀ use someone elses work as your own. [Plagiarize]
- Never help a roomate,friend, classmate etc commit academic dishonesty.
- Never make up information and claim you found it online or as someone elses.
- Always represent someone elses work or words as accurate as possible!
- Before you ever try and buy an essay offline or attempt to cheat, talk to your professor to get extra help on the assignment.
- Academic Dishonesty will only hurt you in the end. DONT DO IT !