9/18 reader response.

September 19th, 2009

The prompt I chose was prompt two. In this essay I plan on talking about the effect adults have on their kids when they force them to give them their facebook, myspace, xanga etc passwords. I believe parent’s involvement in their kids’ life is okay, but sometimes parents can take it too far. If a parent is overbearing or over protective of their child, it makes the child feel like the parent doesn’t trust them or the child hides their feelings. If a child starts to hide their feelings from their parents, their only outlet sometimes is their facebook, MySpace or Xanga pages. I chose this prompt because I can relate to many other teens, and the teens in the video when they say parents sometimes parents don’t understand and that is why they resort to their pages to vent.

Though, the internet is a place for us as teens to vent. The internet can sometimes be an unsafe place and there are negative outcomes to using the internet such as, cyber bullying, school fights and the worst committing suicide like Ryan Halligan.Because of things like this that could make parents want to look out for their kids. This comes with natural parenting instinct. Maybe, if his parents knew more about the things he was going through his death could have been prevented.

I plan on going about my essay as I did with my last essay. The peer review really helped me with letting me know what in my paper I need to correct and could do to make my paper better. I also plan on taking a little more time on this essay being that this essay requires me to go more in depth with the topic. But, overall I think this should be easy to write about, because like I said I can relate.

One thought on “9/18 reader response.

  1. Brittany
    2:40 pm - 9-20-2009


    I’m taking some time this afternoon and over the next few days to respond to blog prompts. It looks like you have an idea of where you’re going with your essay, but make sure you come up with a clear thesis statement for class tomorrow that will let your reader know where you stand on an arguable debate.

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