reader response 9/16

September 17th, 2009

After looking over the 5 major points to an arguing position, I thought back to the movie we watched in class and related them back to the 5 points, some points were more for when you are ready to write a paper and some you could ask yourself while watching the movie in class. With Invention and research, you ask yourself is the topic or argument you choose a controversial issue? With the movie the argument is a controversial issue. Adults say all the time that our generation now is the computer/internet generation. Every teenager uses a computer. Now and days computers are used for mostly everything. The second point is planning and drafting. This point is asking yourself how you can make a convincing case. The argument is about the internet generation and us teens growing up in the internet world. This is a convincing case because with watching the video teens admit to it. Mostly every teen has a facebook, myspace, xanga or blog site etc. and it seems as though these sites are our lives, and they make us who we are. I feel if we did not have these sites things and what teens do would be totally different. There would be maybe less arguing and fighting going on in the schools, for example. More teens would spend time with their parents and be open to talk about personal things going on in their life. The internet to us is somewhat of a “made up friend”.

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