9/14 reader response

September 15th, 2009

There are all different types of arguments. Whether, it is with a friend, at school or your community. Everyone has their own opinion and with arguing your opinion comes into play. The different ways people support their argument is by research or even watching closely to reports and keep data for themselves. After, reading the article on different types of arguments, arguments happen in various places, with various people. A place for example, is your school. Students may not agree with something going on in the school or rules that are placed. One way they could support their argument(s) is by listing out the different rules in the school and what they agree and disagree about them.  Another, example given in the argument is in your workplace. Arguing about a problem that is going on in the workplace. There sometimes is not an issue and maybe something positive. The person posing the argument stuck to what he/she believed in, giving facts out of articles they have read. For example, the spending costs. A magazine article he read listed comments, emails and questions his fellow coworkers had. This could also be used a support. He has other coworkers to back up his argument or stand on the opposite side and fight against him.

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