9/4 reader response

September 8th, 2009

For my revision process I plan on going off of my peer review comments. I believe my paper could use a little bit of work. A way of revising to me is to think about the paper from scratch. I plan on thinking of the proper thesis statement for the paper. The thesis statement always sums up what you’re going to talk about in the paper.           Next, think about my introduction. Because this is not a formal paper and is a story about my beliefs, my introduction can be a story to start off why I believe in what I believe in. I am trying to per sway my audience why I believe in what I believe in [karma]. My audience for this paper is my professor and fellow classmates. With this in mind I have to use the right vocabulary. By going over what my peers have wrote and looking at their comments I have gotten a insight on what in my essay needs clarification. I am also able to see what I can keep in or throw out. If I go off of my peer review and look over what comments I got, that will help me to make my paper better than what it already is.

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