9/25 reader response.

September 28th, 2009

Academic Honesty

  1. Make sure you always site your sources. If you use any information from a internet site, a book, interview etc make sure you give credit to that site.
  2. Never ask a roomate, friend, parent to write a paper. You may ask her/him to help you make improvements on your paper,but not do.
  3. Never try and bribe a teacher into changing a grade.
  4. Never threaten a teacher to change a grade.
  5. Never use someone elses work as your own. [Plagiarize]
  6. Never help a roomate,friend, classmate etc commit academic dishonesty.
  7. Never make up information and claim you found it online or as someone elses.
  8. Always represent someone elses work or words as accurate as possible!
  9. Before you ever try and buy an essay offline or attempt to cheat, talk to your professor to get extra help on the assignment.
  10. Academic Dishonesty will only hurt you in the end. DONT DO IT !

9/18 reader response.

September 19th, 2009

The prompt I chose was prompt two. In this essay I plan on talking about the effect adults have on their kids when they force them to give them their facebook, myspace, xanga etc passwords. I believe parent’s involvement in their kids’ life is okay, but sometimes parents can take it too far. If a parent is overbearing or over protective of their child, it makes the child feel like the parent doesn’t trust them or the child hides their feelings. If a child starts to hide their feelings from their parents, their only outlet sometimes is their facebook, MySpace or Xanga pages. I chose this prompt because I can relate to many other teens, and the teens in the video when they say parents sometimes parents don’t understand and that is why they resort to their pages to vent.

Though, the internet is a place for us as teens to vent. The internet can sometimes be an unsafe place and there are negative outcomes to using the internet such as, cyber bullying, school fights and the worst committing suicide like Ryan Halligan.Because of things like this that could make parents want to look out for their kids. This comes with natural parenting instinct. Maybe, if his parents knew more about the things he was going through his death could have been prevented.

I plan on going about my essay as I did with my last essay. The peer review really helped me with letting me know what in my paper I need to correct and could do to make my paper better. I also plan on taking a little more time on this essay being that this essay requires me to go more in depth with the topic. But, overall I think this should be easy to write about, because like I said I can relate.

reader response 9/16

September 17th, 2009

After looking over the 5 major points to an arguing position, I thought back to the movie we watched in class and related them back to the 5 points, some points were more for when you are ready to write a paper and some you could ask yourself while watching the movie in class. With Invention and research, you ask yourself is the topic or argument you choose a controversial issue? With the movie the argument is a controversial issue. Adults say all the time that our generation now is the computer/internet generation. Every teenager uses a computer. Now and days computers are used for mostly everything. The second point is planning and drafting. This point is asking yourself how you can make a convincing case. The argument is about the internet generation and us teens growing up in the internet world. This is a convincing case because with watching the video teens admit to it. Mostly every teen has a facebook, myspace, xanga or blog site etc. and it seems as though these sites are our lives, and they make us who we are. I feel if we did not have these sites things and what teens do would be totally different. There would be maybe less arguing and fighting going on in the schools, for example. More teens would spend time with their parents and be open to talk about personal things going on in their life. The internet to us is somewhat of a “made up friend”.

9/14 reader response

September 15th, 2009

There are all different types of arguments. Whether, it is with a friend, at school or your community. Everyone has their own opinion and with arguing your opinion comes into play. The different ways people support their argument is by research or even watching closely to reports and keep data for themselves. After, reading the article on different types of arguments, arguments happen in various places, with various people. A place for example, is your school. Students may not agree with something going on in the school or rules that are placed. One way they could support their argument(s) is by listing out the different rules in the school and what they agree and disagree about them.  Another, example given in the argument is in your workplace. Arguing about a problem that is going on in the workplace. There sometimes is not an issue and maybe something positive. The person posing the argument stuck to what he/she believed in, giving facts out of articles they have read. For example, the spending costs. A magazine article he read listed comments, emails and questions his fellow coworkers had. This could also be used a support. He has other coworkers to back up his argument or stand on the opposite side and fight against him.

revision strategy 9/9/09

September 9th, 2009

one revision strategy I will use is : Read the paper aloud, even if you are the only listener.

I chose this strategy because sometimes when you read your work aloud, you are able to catch more mistakes than you would if you were to read it silently in your head. Also, by reading it aloud you feel that the story is really a STORY. It feels as if you are reading it to an audience and by feeling you have an audience it makes you really get involved in the story.It also makes you remember the actual story and everything that  happened as you read through it.

9/4 reader response

September 8th, 2009

For my revision process I plan on going off of my peer review comments. I believe my paper could use a little bit of work. A way of revising to me is to think about the paper from scratch. I plan on thinking of the proper thesis statement for the paper. The thesis statement always sums up what you’re going to talk about in the paper.           Next, think about my introduction. Because this is not a formal paper and is a story about my beliefs, my introduction can be a story to start off why I believe in what I believe in. I am trying to per sway my audience why I believe in what I believe in [karma]. My audience for this paper is my professor and fellow classmates. With this in mind I have to use the right vocabulary. By going over what my peers have wrote and looking at their comments I have gotten a insight on what in my essay needs clarification. I am also able to see what I can keep in or throw out. If I go off of my peer review and look over what comments I got, that will help me to make my paper better than what it already is.