
August 28th, 2009

I feel writing is important because it gives you a chance to reflect. Sometimes, writing is used in class, for a report or even just for personal interest. When you write it gives you a chance to read over your work and reflect upon what you have just wrote about.Words and thoughts of others show through writing. When people write it gives others a chance to read their thoughts and ideas.

Professor Cottrill,

I feel writing is important because it gives others the chance to express themselves.Writing is used in so many different ways. whether it be lyrics,poetry or maybe even writing a book.

Writing is important,starting off now! You will need to know how to write because it will get you farther in life. Writing is used in almost all of your classes you will be taking,especially in high school and college.If you don’t know how to write it will make it very difficult to do anything in life, such as getting a job.