Friday September 18th 2009, 12:37 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

The video, Growing Up Online, presents a focused presentation of the issue because the title clearly states what it will be about. Viewers can tell from the title that the video will somehow be about teenagers being online or “growing up online”.  The creator of the movie also presented the video in a way that will get the mood of the argument across. By having many parents and professionals being interviewed it made the argument stronger.

            Within the first few minutes of the video, the creator’s position was clearly stated. Right away, I knew where they stood on the issue of many kids being online all the time.

            There were also many plausible reasons and convincing support throughout the first half of the movie. Again, with the many professionals, parents, and even students the support was overwhelming. The many studies and polls also helped with making a convincing argument.

            As of right now in the movie, the opposing positions and objections have not been clearly stated. I know they will be, because of the quality that the movie has been so far.

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