Plan for Revising
Tuesday September 08th 2009, 10:08 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

                For revising my essay I should have a peer-edit, a self-edit, and use the writer’s resources from around campus.

In class, we did peer-editing exercises. I will use the comments and feedback that I received to make my paper better-rounded. The person that edited my essay went through the following checklist to make sure that they are editing the paper so that it helps me: what is the assignment, how close is the assignment to being finished, what steps should they take for revision, what kind of feedback does this person need.

                For the self-editing portion, I use my comments and feedback from the peer-editing to focus on writing better. I could use the exercises from my portfolio to identify my strengths and be able to highlight them. I can also identify my weaknesses and work to make those stronger.

                There are many on-campus resources that are available to help revising an essay. The campus writing center can read and make comments on my essay that will help it be the best that it can be. Not only can they make comments about the paper, but they can also help find errors in grammar and punctuation. Online writing labs are available as well. By submitting my draft by email, my essay will be returned to me with the needed comments. I can also post my paper in a public access space where I can get feedback from more than one person.

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