8/28 This I Believe
Sunday August 30th 2009, 11:01 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

In these selected stories there were a few commonalities, but there were also a few things that set each story apart. In each story the author was giving something to the next generation. Brian Greene was giving knowledge but he also believes in the next generation. Isabel Allende gave hope and a chance to the next generation. Jackie Robinson gave hope and he broke down many barriers for so many people, not just the next generation of African-Americans. Helen Keller and Stanley Allyn both had faith in all of mankind. Eve Birch also believed in people, knowing that they are kind and willing to help.

They goals of a This I Believe essay are to help people not only understand your values and beliefs, but for you to understand them. In reading many of these stories, I noticed that many of the authors really understood their beliefs for the first time. Many, however, knew what they thought of their values were about.

                Most of the essays talked about giving something to the next generation, whether it was hope, a chance, broken barriers, or just belief in a person or a society. Writing an essay should show people what you want to leave on. These stories are also another way to leave your mark in an ever growing and changing world.


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