tangtao's blog

BG’s life.
October 19, 2011, 2:34 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have been BG three months ago. Before arrived BG, I thought that I could not adapt the life in BG, since there are so different between the China and US. But now, I think the differences are not so much as I thought. Bowling Green  just a small town where is located in the North of Ohio, there are lots of interested things I can find in Bowling Green.

Firstly, I’ d like to talk about Food. We know that we should eat food very day. But, because I am come from China. Thus, before I came to BG, I thought that  the food flavor in China much better than US.  Actually, I found a situation that US just have a little bit US typical  foods. Such as, hamburger, chips and Coca Cola. Almost all of others are come from other countries. For example, I found there are more than three Chinese restaurants in Bowling Green. And lots of Mexican restaurants, Korean restaurants etc.  Anyway, I like food in BG, since I can eat the food from all over the world.

Secondly, I want to talk about the school life in BG. Before I arrived here, I have some preparation for the hard school life, but now, I do not think there are much trouble for my life. Bowling Green State University is a high level University in Ohio, even in whole US. But,  the teacher and students are very nice.  Because I am an International student for here, also I have probably taken some troubles more than local students. For instance, I would sighed for my hometown and friends. But, local guys can back home when they miss their family. However, education system in BGSU is not same with  my undergraduate education system, that is a big problem for my school life. But, I have lots of nice classmate and teacher help me to adapt the new system for my new life in a short time. It is a good experience I think. Also, it is why I came here. I need more practice for my life.

In short,  I love BG so far, not only it has palatable food and nice teachers, but also has other sides I never been mention. Live in BG is a prefect experience in my life.


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