tangtao's blog

September 21, 2011, 9:57 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Plagiarism is one of the serious errors in academia. In my mind, the Plagiarism seems like behavior of steal in society. But, everyone knows the thief had been existed thousand of year. Thus, we just can keep ourselves far away from this bad behavior.

However, not all of the student think like me. Some of the radical student would be chooses the way of plagiarize to finish their paper or homework.  Suppose they are probably taken part in a paramount party last night. Thus, they could be made a plagiarism from some other students or book.  Also, they have no idea about the paper long time, but they have to hand it in, because that score of paper is very important for them. Anyway, there are lots of reasons to explain why they would choose plagiarize. But, I think all of reasons cannot let them do that.

Also, in my home country, plagiarism is very common thing occur in the campus. Sometimes occur on students, sometimes occur teacher. China is a county filled of energy. And China is the biggest developing country in the world. So, blundering mood filled in whole of county also, Less students could calm their mind down to finish their paper. But, I think this situation is a process of primitive accumulation period.

All in all, no matter what reason we are have. Plagiarism is a forbidden behavior. We should calm down to do some perfect paper in our field of major.


First day of my blog.
September 1, 2011, 5:20 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Obviously, reading book is a significant thing for graduate students. Actually, I also like reading book. But, I think that I am a sane book reader so that I do not have any specific favorite book or author. In addition, I believe that we need absorb knowledge from all kinds of book, since comprehensive abilities are depend on amount of books reading and thinking after read. For example, my major is economics, but when we run into some problems in the region of economics, we cannot only use the analytical way of economics, but also we should according to the theory of other subject.  Such as, we could link the region of law. Even we could connect the region of psychology to help us to analyze the data or phenomenon of custom behavior.  Thus, I cannot provide a specific name of book or author as my favorite, but I just let you know, comprehensive reading is not bad for us. Sometimes it can create some of extra opportunites to us in unexpected time.

Moreover, As the English reading, I learn that vocabulary is very important point for us reading, since if could not understand almost words in that book, I guess we might not be understand what the book’s mean forever.  Consequently, the foundation of reading is words. We have to define the exact mean in the book, which is you are interested. Likewise, Grammar is the second significant factor for our reading I think. For instance, we can work out all of words in this book, but we usually confusing about what it happened and when it happened. As a result, Grammar could helps us to figure the tense problem out.

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