Posts Tagged Taking Back Sunday

There’s Hope in Them There Bands

I’m putting a lot of faith in the reunion of Fall Out Boy.

When the band was at its peak, I never truly appreciated what they were doing for the music scene. I was far too obsessed with 80s hair metal at the time and it really closed my mind to anything new. However, this time around, my mind is an open notebook and it is ready to be filled.

This could become a revival. The music scene has become stale and repetitive, which isn’t bad if it’s Friday night and you’re nine drinks deep, but when you’re scanning the radio, songs about only living once and staying up until 3 a.m. don’t quite speak to you.

Introduce a little change. Upset the established order, as the Joker would say. Bring bands to front of the airwaves from Sunday to Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and you will see a rise in identification with modern music.

"And when it rains, Will you always find an escape? Just running away, From all of the ones who love you, From everything."

When Fall Out Boy started blowing up Fuse and MTV, I didn’t understand the appeal, but now I see what they did. They gave a voice to the generation that felt misunderstood, screwed over or just bored. Their clever hooks and upbeat melodies brought optimism and the music videos gave a narrative that could told a real story and could be followed.

Now, I would like to state that I enjoy the music of today. There’s a time and place for the songs that play constantly on the airwaves, though. Every day and anywhere is not proper for many of the acts. As a musician, I try to find appreciation in every style of music, and I have. Lil Wayne is clever. Skrillex is creative. Lady Gaga puts on one hell of a show.

"These words are all I have, so I'll write them."

What’s missing? Someone who embodies all of these at once.

While in high school, there were bands. Not boy bands. Not rap groups, but actual bands. Avenged Sevenfold, Paramore, A Day to Remember, Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Green Day … the list goes on and on, but one thing is for certain, these acts will stand the test of time. One may call them angsty, but I call them personal and I’m not saying that modern acts will be forgotten and aren’t memorable, but they will certainly be labeled as “throwbacks” and obsolete very soon after their heavy rotation by weekend DJs is up.

The bands mentioned previously embody something much more. They’re personal. They are situational and speak to an individual. Favorite songs by an artist aren’t always the singles! They’re the songs that you listen to when you can’t sleep because you’re thinking about someone or that song that hit you just right and came into your life at the perfect time. Those songs stick with you on a daily basis. Songs about only having tonight are fundamentally flawed because we have more than tonight. Any sober mind can see that.

Most of the time, bands aren’t on major record labels and they can create a sound that is unique and experimental. Today’s Top 40 songs can be sung by different artists and it won’t mean anything different. The lyrical content of bands, like Fall Out Boy, is timeless because they can resonate with someone on any given day.

Most importantly , to me, these artists offer live shows that you want to attend while sober. One would want to embrace the sounds and personalities of the band, not just get lost in the lights.

"This band will stand the test of time."

There’s a chance. There’s hope. The optimism for modern music to have meaning once again rides on the shoulders of those who also have a guitar strapped around them or drum sticks in their hands.

I’m so excited for the release of Fall Out Boy’s “Save Rock n’ Roll.” I pray that it will do just that … Save rock n’ roll. Time to bring back long hair, lyrics in notebooks and songs that mean something.

It’s time for a takeover, because the break is over and there is once again hope in the music industry.

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The Beta-Alpha Male

"We're young and in love, heart attacks waiting to happen. So come a little closer, tell me it's all in our heads."

I’m sitting here, the glow of my computer lighting up my room. I know I should go to bed because I feel some sort of sickness coming on, but screw it, sleep is for the weak.

I Love the winter months. I feel that I was most self-aware during this season in past years. I can clearly remember the coldness of the Sandusky air numbing my cheeks as I played guitar to an empty audience in my grandmother’s garage. My fingers were numb. It literally hurt to play, but dammit, the show inside my head had to go on.

The weird thing is that there are people out there who know how I feel. My friend Will was programming and recording music while I was, yet we were an hour apart. (He was Beta before it was even called that. I have a serious appreciation for those who get the most out of the Internet and have that presence.) I don’t think I’ve ever met a person in my life that shared my exact feelings about music. There’s more to it than money. It’s about the memories that are made both while listening to it and while making it. The organic writing process is something to die for. The hour-long jams where you completely lose yourself on the fretboard…I miss that.

I miss the way I was. I was so sentimental before. I felt more original and less of a phony. (Insert Holden Caufield reference here.) I used to write my feelings out. The late-night phone conversations are missing in my life. I need to get to know someone new. I miss the thrill of getting to know and understand the depths of a person. There’s a few people out there I’d Love to talk to, but I’m too scared to actually initiate anything.

Yeah. Me. Scared to talk to someone.

I miss staying up all night on the phone or having the vibrations of a new text wake me up in random intervals. “No, you’re not keeping me up :)”

Right now, Taking Back Sunday, Hawthorne Heights and Escape the Fate are making me incredibly nostalgic. I remember the first time I heard them before I knew who they were. It was in the winter of the past years mentioned previously.

I remember heartbreak vividly. I remember tears freezing in my eyes. (“How does it feel when tears freeze when you cry.” Literally came on as I finished typing this.)

I wonder if there are anymore bleeding hearts out there. Was that just a phase in my life? Was my sentimentality something I need to outgrow?

God, I hope not. That lifestyle was so satisfying.

There has to be someone out there whose bedroom is being lit up by their computer screen who’s just dying to tell their story to someone new. If this person is you, talk to me. I’m a good listener.

Getting to know someone new is what I live for. If I had it my way, I would travel the country, sharing the drinking traditions of each person or group I came in contact with, all the while talking about the crazy shit we’ve been through, the stuff we’ve seen … the people who have gotten away.

If you’re looking for a friend, I’m here.

Whoever you are.

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