Unit 2

This page will include Group PSA, my Rhetorical Analysis Assignment, Rhetorical Analysis Assignment revision and reflection.

In this unit, we learned how technology can be intermingled with literacies in many shapes such as through the internet, videos, and even cell phones. We learned that the technology is especially important in the media perspective of communication.  Thus we spent our time with technology centered around Public Service Analysis or PSAs. For the first project, my writing group got together and made a PSA and then the second project we wrote individual rhetorical analysis that discussed how the PSAs were made.

Group PSA

In this project, my writing group and I learned about technology literacies as we made a public service announcement.  Our PSA’s purpose was to persuade younger people help the elderly with technology because younger people are more accustomed to technology.  I would like to thank Danniel, Ashley, and Sam for their help with this assignment.

Rhetorical Analysis 

This assignment was one of the hardest assignments I faced.  The purpose of a rhetorical analysis is to identify what methods a person uses and why he or she used it when crafting their piece of work.  Since I struggled with making an effective rhetorical analysis, I decided to make this my second revision on this assignment.

Revision Rhetorical Analysis

When I revised this rhetorical analysis assignment, I made sure to make my points clearer, and I also got rid of parts that were not relevant to the paper.  I learned this time around how to best analyze a paper by following a simple pattern, which is to identify what technique the PSA uses, give an example of how it is used, and then explained how it was used.

Reflection on Rhetorical Analysis Revision

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