PSAs and How it relates to Literacies

The PSA project that we are working on relates to Literacies because we are expressing ideas through technology.  We are making a video that tries to inform and persuade the audience about a specific purpose.  Like other Literacies, this type of Literacy that we are making can be understood by all types of literate people. By being able to reach a larger scope of audience, our PSA may have more of a chance getting accepted more than a written literacy because of the fact that people like to watch videos more than reading.

1 comment Posted in  Uncategorized March 4, 2009

Computers are important

Freshman in high school

Freshman.  You have enter the realm of high school, and you aren’t in a world of flash cards, chalk boards, and games. You are in a realm of a rapid paste, be on your toes, taking notes with out overhead prompts, and exams and quizes every week.  High school is just begenning to lead you into a society that is rapidly growing with technology, and computers are a nessecary and vital tool in keeping up.  In schools, educators will strongly teach students about computers becuase not only should students be able to use them but they should be able to know about them inside and out.  Computers are like cars in a sense because we depend on them so much.  Yet like cars, many people don’t even know how to fix computers when something goes wrong.  For as much as we use them, one would think that we know as much as possible about them.  If we are going to depend on computers then, we should be indepent and be able to use them and take care of them without other help.  Again knowing how to be independent with computers and technology, will make you a valuable tool when companies are looking at for you for employment.

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized February 25, 2009

PSA Criteria

Characters- Play an affective role in the announcement

Text-Used when needed

Video-Must be thirty seconds long.

Audience- Message is clear and simple.  Relates to a specific target group.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized February 23, 2009

Possible PSA Topics

Read More

Don’t Drink and Drive


1 comment Posted in  Uncategorized February 23, 2009

Think Before You Post

In the Think Before You Post  PSA commercial, there are many things that come into play to help prove a point.  The actors help portray the message by acting lik greedy people who have to see the picture that the girl posts up.  All of the actors are looking at the picture and talking about the main girl behind her back.  The persuasive techniques that this video uses are appealing to the audiences emotions because the main girl regrets what she posted but realizes that she will never be able to take it back.  The voice over plays the role of intimidating the audience.  The voice sounds weak and it is begging the audience to not post stuff online that you don’t want posted.

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized February 20, 2009

Literacy Statistics

After reading through the statistics, I was surprised to see the diverse results.  Much of these statistics centered around people who were illiterate but the results show literacy decreasing.  My reaction to this is that education either needs to change or go back to the old formula that was working before the 1980’s because the one statistic that shows the lieracy level has not increased since the 1970’s.  Maybe living in a fast paced society is hindering how we learn becuase children are not spending enough time with literacies.  Two statistics that illustrate that this is that parents who read to their children in kindergarden is decreasing, and how 4th graders are not at the level of literacy that they should be.  I feel that if something must have worked leading up to the 1970’s and it is just too shocking to see a society that is surrounded by information from technology to have a decrease in literacies.

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized February 20, 2009

2/18 Blog Technology

I think techonology is used as an asset and a comfort in today’s society.  Technology is vital for most of the industry and economy.  It is major part of the media that surrounds us and affects many of the ways we think.  Technology has also affected how interact through the use of phones, cell phones, internet, radio and television.  I think technology has increased the amount of knowledge we can obtain becuase information is literallly at our finger tips when we go on the computer.  We have the oppurtunity to learn more than we ever could but at the same time it has even decreased reading and writing ability becuase through the internet many of us have a different way of talking.  Also people who do read may tend to do most of the reading online at a fast and skiming pace instead of reading a book at slow concentrating pace.  Technology has many benefits but also has many things in the literacy universe.

3 comments Posted in  Uncategorized February 18, 2009

Trega Sonic the Monster

Today I have brought into the word the most beautiful creature in the land.  He is a monster by the name of Trega Sonic.  He is tall, green, he has red eyes with orange pupils.  His hands have three fingers and his left foot has four toes while the right one has only two toes.  Also he has orange horns.  He is my creation and he is like a son to me.

6 comments Posted in  Uncategorized February 13, 2009

What makes a good Narrative

A literacy narrative should give reader insight on some one’s personal experiences through a story.  It will have a beginning and an end.  The things that really make narratives good is a good story line, ideas that readers can relate to, accurate  detailed descriptions,  and a valuable purpose to the story.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized February 9, 2009

The Ideal Reader Approach

My Five Topics

Poetry I shared with my English Teacher

Musical Director for the Music Man

Stage Director for stage crew

Sixth Grade English Teacher

Star Wars Book Collection

When I came up with these topics for my literacy narrative, I had to take into consideration what experiences in my life would relate to my readers.  I wanted to come up with a narritve that I could easily write about because if I want to keep my readers interested, I have to be able to write memorably with content that will keep them captivated.  Also, when I  write something personal, I myself have more interest in what I am writing and will be more motivated to come up with ideas while I write.  My ideal reader for this assignment, is some one who went through a similar experience and would be able to relate to my narrative. However, that will not always be the case, so I will have to be inventive with my writing so I can reach a broader spectrum.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized February 6, 2009

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