Strengths and weaknesses of Rhetorical Analysis

I feel that my rhetorical analysis had many strengths in it.  I wrote answers in detail to the points I made in the introduction.  I did have some weaknesses and that was tranistioning the ideas I had but that was mostly because I had a harder time starting the paper.  Once I did get to a point where I could write the paper without having writers block, I was able to do better job at transitioning.

23,539 comments Posted in  Uncategorized April 1, 2009


Revision to me means the process of changing a peice of work to make it better and more effective.  I think that this process can be very difficult but in the end the benefits can be very well worth the time spent revising the piece of work.  To conduct a revision, one has analyze the work that was previously done and take the time to pinpoint the good and bad aspects to the paper.  It takes much time to see the little mistakes, such as grammar and word structure.  Sometimes, one word for a sentence can make the difference.  It is important to revise because writing a piece once and being perfect the that first is a very hard thing to achieve.  By taking a second or even a third look, the paper has more of a chance of recieving the purpose that the writer had intended for the paper.  Revisors can be the writer of the original piece or even different writers that can help out.

5 comments Posted in  Uncategorized March 30, 2009

Peer Review Response

After looking at the peer review from the workshop the other day, I realized my rhetorical analysis was not as bad as I thought it would be.  The comments said that I made good points, I had good connections throughout my paper.  However I do need to work on elaborating more on some parts of my paper, especially the introduction and conclusion.

Today in class I plan on working on the introduction, conclusion, and fixing any grammar mistakes.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized March 27, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis Problems

Problems that I had with this Rhetorical Analysis was trying to get the paper started.  I made a thesis that outlined what I would be talking about in my paper but as far as explaining my points clearly, I still feel there could be more work.  I managed to get two to three explanations for each paragraph topic but when I was rereading through the paper, some points may be a little redundant.

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized March 25, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis Thesis

The rhetorical analysis will be analyzing the G. I. Joe PSA’s audience, plot, purpose, and effectiveness.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized March 23, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis Criteria

I think that the criteria for the rhetorical analysis should be based on these factors:



Analysis of PSA


Showing credibility

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized March 23, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis PSA

I chose the G. I. Joe PSA becuase I love the G. I. Joe cartoon show.  Actaully I think that it is a good example of  a PSA that attracts to a specific audience.  The message is simple, it is to tell children what to do in a situation when they are separated from their family in a public place.  By using the cartoon that children already like, the children will also be more likely to learn from the PSA. I think by being already familar with this PSA will make it easier for to do a rhetorical analysis.

3 comments Posted in  Uncategorized March 18, 2009

Sample Rhetorical analysis

In sample readings, the writers do a very good job with analyzing the author’s subject, how  the subject is worded, and why the author they are analyzing uses the techniques that is chosen.  I think that the sample about the Powell’s article is a good demonstration of how the writer of the the rhetorical analysis pinpoints what is being said and explaining what it means.  An example of him consicely explaining what Powell says, is when he talks about how Powell wanted to argue for rappers to take hip hop in a more positive direction but knew that if he was to criticize rappers for being appearing gangser like in their songs in a mainstream article, then he would also have to show his devotion for hip pop so people would want to listen.

However what really makes a good rhetorical analysis is setting the tone of the paper at the introduction.  The samples show that by having a good introduction it helps the overall paper because the introduction gives the paper a direction.  The different points in the essay will be specific and having an introduction that  previews what will be talken about always helps the writer to be able to explain the subject better to the audience.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized March 18, 2009

Spring Break!!!

This spring break was very relaxing.  I slept in on most days till 12:00pm and even took cat naps after diligent hours of playing video games on the couch.  Actually, I wasn’t quite a couch potatoe, i did work out at the gym twice.  One thing that was really nice about staying at home was that I got to spend time with family more than I usually do on other breaks.  On other previous breaks I would either work or go somewhere with some of my friends but this time around I spent time with my family and even got to play cards with my grandma.  Also, it was my grandma’s birthday this weekend.  She is 83 years old and she is doing just fine.  My sister also came down to visit from Texas and we went to see a cavs game together which the cavs won.  Overall my spring break was fun and I felt it was very important to escape the college life for a brief moment and spend time with the family.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized March 16, 2009


I have only done portfolios in English classes my freshman but I feel they are a valuable tool in education.  The purpose of portfolios I feel is that it collects all the work that was done and it presents the work to others who can analyze the work and give you feed back.  It is a good opportuninity to recieve constructive criticisms, learn more, and potentionaly improve.

33 comments Posted in  Uncategorized March 6, 2009

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