Posts filed under 'Uncategorized'

Relating to Language and Identity

Bakthin’s quote about language existing in one’s mouth before they say it, means that language is already a bigger part of people.  People’s language is greatly influenced by culture especially  with other people that they associate with.  I would not have learned the english language with out my family talking constantly.  As for my language […]

Continue Reading 1 comment February 5th, 2009

Narrative Reflection

A narrative to me could include a memory about a specifc event or experience in one’s life.  The narrative itself would be a story of what the person went through.  It could have as many details as the writing would like describing everything that occured during the experience.  I remember writing a narrative in highschool […]

Continue Reading 1 comment February 4th, 2009

What makes a good visual narrative?

To me, a good visual narrative is a narrative that can communicate ideas or send messages as well as a verbal or written literacy can do.  Although one could use a simple image to demonstrate an idea, I think that if one was trying to make a good visual narrative then they should be able […]

Continue Reading Add comment January 26th, 2009

Literacy Post

When I enrolled in English 207, I expected to learn how to write more efficently and to write in different writing styles.  I expect to learn about different literacies like I have learned about today.  This is my first time using a blog and it is a very different experience for me becuase I haven’t […]

Continue Reading 1 comment January 14th, 2009

Hello world!

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Continue Reading Add comment January 14th, 2009

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