Posts filed under 'Uncategorized'

Portfolio Setup

I will have my PSA to be set up so it looks like a website.  The first thing the reader will see is the introduction and then my projects will appear in the order I originally made them.  After the projects, I will post my two revisions along with the reflections following each one.  I want […]

Continue Reading 34 comments April 29th, 2009

Final Blog

This is my last blog posting.  As I now go down memory lane, I realize that blogs and I had many adventures.  Actually not really adventures, but blogs have helped me a great deal this semester. Since I used blogs every day to reflect on assignments and literacies, I now percieve blogs to be a […]

Continue Reading 1 comment April 24th, 2009

Five Questions

How effective are the methods used? Are their any grammar or spelling errors? Is there any more pages I could add? Do you think I should provide any more information? Is there any formating problems to my web site?

Continue Reading Add comment April 22nd, 2009

Reseeing literacies

I think reseeing or reimaging a literacy can be very beneficial becuase it enables me to imrove in areas that I may have want to improved last time but didn’t get a chance too.  For instance, since I am redoing my resume and cover letter by putting it onto a web page, I get to […]

Continue Reading 23 comments April 20th, 2009

Option 3 Focus

Option 3 Focus   1. Are you going to use the resume that you created for class or a modified version?  Why?  (remember, if you wrote your resume as though you had completed your course-work at BGSU you must change your resume) I will use my resume that I used for the last assignment because […]

Continue Reading 9 comments April 17th, 2009

My views on Literacy

After doing the variety of assignments, I have a new found view on literacies.  I now think that literacies can be in various forms, whether it be visual, literate, informal or formal professional literacies. Another literacy I feel I have improved was blogging.  Before this class, I never made a blog before.  Now I do four blogs […]

Continue Reading 4 comments April 15th, 2009

Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

After today’s workshop, I am going to specifically change the format so it is correct and add a few more relative experiences that will make me a stronger candidate for the position.  Some of the things I learned today and remembered was listing vollenteer experiences and accomplishments.  I failed to remember to include these experiences […]

Continue Reading 2 comments April 8th, 2009

Troubles with resumes and cover letter.

So far I have just begun this assignment but I know I will have a little difficulty in making up experience for this position becuase as of right now I have not the experience that this job is looking for.  This is because I am only a sophmore and I have not gotten the opportunnity […]

Continue Reading 3 comments April 6th, 2009

Job Ad

By looking at the job ad, I saw that it demanded some one who was very responsible, organized, and had good experience.  The ad I found was for RBC Capital Markets, and I was looking at the Human Resource Manager position. This organization is a bank corporation and from reading their descriptions and their mission statement, they focus on […]

Continue Reading 1 comment April 6th, 2009


I think a resume is a list of one’s  experience with working and education, and it it also clarifies a person’s credentials so an employer decide if that person is qualified.  A good resume should have important information that will impress the future employer so they will want to hire you.

Continue Reading 9 comments April 3rd, 2009

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