Option 3 Focus

April 17, 2009

Option 3 Focus


1. Are you going to use the resume that you created for class or a modified version?  Why?  (remember, if you wrote your resume as though you had completed your course-work at BGSU you must change your resume)

I will use my resume that I used for the last assignment because I want to spend more on time on the website than modifying or changing my resume.




2. How will you re-present your resume (i.e., Power Point, video, audio, web page, etc)?  Why did you select this format over the others?

I decided to re-present my resume by doing a web page over the other options because it was different from what we’ve done from the rest of the assignment.  Also, I’ve only made a web page once for my CS 100 class and I would like to make sure that I’m still capable of making a good website.





3. What information (specifically) will  you include in your project?  Why?


The information that will be included is all of my credentials that I used for my resume.




4. If you are doing a visual presentation (website, video, PowerPoint, etc), use an additional sheet of paper to sketch out what you want the project to look like.  If you are doing an audio project (or a video) spend some time outlining what you want to say.





5. How will this re-presentation demonstrate your literacies? 


This re-presentation should demonstrate my literacies by showing that I’m capable of understanding how different litteracies work.  By making a web page, I will be demonstrating that I know of different literacies and I can mesh attributes from different literacies into a cohesive piece.



6. What questions do you have about creating this presentation?



As of now, I do not have any questions about this presentation but when I start my web page, I’m sure I might run into some problems because it has been a while since I last made one.




7.  Create a chronological list of the steps you will need to take to complete this project.  Then, set a time-line of when each step will be completed.  This will be a tentative contract between you and me to assure you’re making progress on this project. 


Look up tutorials to help with commencing the web page assignment-Friday 4/17

Format the web page-Monday 4/20

Put in the information from the resume-Wednesday 4/22

Revise and then edit anything that needs to be fixed on the web page-Friday 4/24 to Sunday 4/26



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9 thoughts on “Option 3 Focus

  1.    bcottri  |  April 18th, 2009 at 8:30 am     


    This sound like a good plan. Do think about how you might want to add some information to your resume (for example, did you say that you have web design skills on your initial resume? If not, you might want to put that). Also, I wonder if you’re going to use Google Pages or some other program. I know you have some experience with websites so I wonder if you’re more familiar/comfortable with another site.

    This sounds good overall so let me know if you have any problems.

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