My views on Literacy

April 15, 2009

After doing the variety of assignments, I have a new found view on literacies.  I now think that literacies can be in various forms, whether it be visual, literate, informal or formal professional literacies. Another literacy I feel I have improved was blogging.  Before this class, I never made a blog before.  Now I do four blogs a week and I feel that I have become efficent at expressing my ideas through blogging.  I think that learning how to do different literacies makes one well rounded writer and person.

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4 thoughts on “My views on Literacy

  1.    ncantre  |  April 17th, 2009 at 10:06 am     

    I agree with you in that before this class I thought that literacy was just about knowing how to read and write. I have discovered that literacy is many things and is involved in many day to day tasks.

  2.    Ashley  |  April 17th, 2009 at 10:12 am     

    I agree that literacy is in many forms. Visual is one that I never thought of before this class. You make good points when talking about literacy. We use literacy in many things throughout the day. We are all literate people.

  3.    jcraciu  |  April 17th, 2009 at 10:18 am     

    This is a good post. This class definitely involved an evolution of learning, a technological one that I don’t think many of us have experienced in other english classes. The whole idea of Blogging seemed foreign to me in concordance with education, i always thought blogging was just for personal use as a journal or diary. Now we see that we can use it for many other things.

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