Unit 1

This page will include my visual narrative, literacy narrative, literacy narrative revision and my revision reflection.


This is the first unit of Intermediate Writing 207.  In this unit, I was introduced to what literacies are.  The literacies we first went into was personal literacies and the projects that we worked on were the visual narrative and the literacy narrative the revision for the literacy narrative and the reflection.

Visual Project

For this project, we explored literacies through various, optional forms of visual literacy.  Basically we made a visual presentation of something we felt was a literacy in everyday life.  I chose to make a power point of how I felt poetry and lyrics was a type of literacy.

Literacy Narrative

The second assignment our class had to do was liteacy narratives.  We were to write personal narratives that told a story and could relate to a form of literacy.  I wrote about an experience I had with the water polo team and how we all got involved into a 22 car-pile up on the way back home from a tournament.  However, I had a few issues which is why I chose to write a revision for my portfolio.

Revision Literacy Narrative

For this revision, I made sure to fix issues with grammar errors, clarity with my details and especially my conclusion.

Reflection on Personal Narrative Revision

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