Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

April 8, 2009

After today’s workshop, I am going to specifically change the format so it is correct and add a few more relative experiences that will make me a stronger candidate for the position.  Some of the things I learned today and remembered was listing vollenteer experiences and accomplishments.  I failed to remember to include these experiences which could most definitely help my resume.  Overall, my peer reviewers said I had done a decent job.  By looking at the other resumes and cover letters that students made, I was able to come up with more ideas for my resume because they did few things differently.

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2 thoughts on “Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

  1.    odolch  |  April 9th, 2009 at 12:41 pm     

    Volunteer work and accomplishments look very good on resumes! They show your hard work, commmitment and special skills. Looking at other students was also helpful in coming up with different ways to say and organize ideas.

    Good Luck!

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