Strengths and weaknesses of Rhetorical Analysis

April 1, 2009

I feel that my rhetorical analysis had many strengths in it.  I wrote answers in detail to the points I made in the introduction.  I did have some weaknesses and that was tranistioning the ideas I had but that was mostly because I had a harder time starting the paper.  Once I did get to a point where I could write the paper without having writers block, I was able to do better job at transitioning.

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23,539 thoughts on “Strengths and weaknesses of Rhetorical Analysis

  1.    odolch  |  April 2nd, 2009 at 12:22 pm     

    Transitioning can be really hard sometimes! Sometimes my paper jumps from one idea to the next, and it makes it harder for the reader to follow and organize their thoughts. It is always easier to write a paper when you have your three main points and how you are going to go about discussing them. Once your ideas are organized it is easier to elaborate and enhaces the overall effectiveness of the paper.

    Good luck,
    Olivia Dolch

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