Spring Break!!!

March 16, 2009

This spring break was very relaxing.  I slept in on most days till 12:00pm and even took cat naps after diligent hours of playing video games on the couch.  Actually, I wasn’t quite a couch potatoe, i did work out at the gym twice.  One thing that was really nice about staying at home was that I got to spend time with family more than I usually do on other breaks.  On other previous breaks I would either work or go somewhere with some of my friends but this time around I spent time with my family and even got to play cards with my grandma.  Also, it was my grandma’s birthday this weekend.  She is 83 years old and she is doing just fine.  My sister also came down to visit from Texas and we went to see a cavs game together which the cavs won.  Overall my spring break was fun and I felt it was very important to escape the college life for a brief moment and spend time with the family.

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