
I am a sophomore at Bowling Green State University majoring in Interpersonal Communication and minoring in Spanish.  I am involved in the Water Polo club, and the social fraternity called Sigma Nu.  My home town is  Strongsville OH, which is south of Cleveland. Some of my interests are playing sports, playing video games, listening to music, writing, and hanging out with friends.  While I’m in college, my goals are to improve my communication skills through speech, writing, and also become fluent in Spanish.  I hope to pursue communication careers through either human resources, public relations, or international relations.

This is my English 207, Intermediate Writing class and here on this BGSU Blog site, I have created a portfolio of all my assignments.  For this course we learned about the purposes of literacies and how the different types of literacies are important in communication.  We explored the multiple types of literacies while learning how to apply them to communication.  There were three different units for this class.  The first unit we explored literacies by making a visual narrative and personal narrative. Visual narritives opened my eyes because I never even thought how visual narratives could be a literacy.  Once I learned this, I knew that I would be learning many important lessons about the different types of literacies that are important for communication.  My personal narrative was also a good experience because I only written this type of literacy once. For the second literacy we learned how technology can be a central part to literacies.  We also learned how it is used in the media through many avenues.  The literacies that we worked on for the second unit was a group PSA project, where we got into groups and made a PSA or public Service announcement, and we also wrote a Rhetorical Analysis.  I found the second unit be to different and even difficult at times.  I had a harder time with the Rhetorical Analysis but fortunately I was allowed to make a revision and get a chance to improve my paper.  The last unit was professional literacies.  This unit in particular was the most benefical because we learned how to write resumes and cover letters. By learning how to write these types of literacies, I feel better prepared for applying for jobs and internships in the future.  The final project also helped me because that assignment I revisited the professional literacies assignment and got a chance to practice more at making resumes and cover letters.

I feel that I have gained valuable lessons about communicating and writing therefore I have now improved in many areas.  I hope that I can take these skills and use them to help my pursuit of in the communications career.  Feel free to look through my portfolio and give me feed back.  If you are also in this class feel free to comment on my work and tell me about your experiences you have had with this class.  I greatly appreciate your time spent viewing my portfolio.

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