
March 30, 2009

Revision to me means the process of changing a peice of work to make it better and more effective.  I think that this process can be very difficult but in the end the benefits can be very well worth the time spent revising the piece of work.  To conduct a revision, one has analyze the work that was previously done and take the time to pinpoint the good and bad aspects to the paper.  It takes much time to see the little mistakes, such as grammar and word structure.  Sometimes, one word for a sentence can make the difference.  It is important to revise because writing a piece once and being perfect the that first is a very hard thing to achieve.  By taking a second or even a third look, the paper has more of a chance of recieving the purpose that the writer had intended for the paper.  Revisors can be the writer of the original piece or even different writers that can help out.

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