Rhetorical Analysis Problems

March 25, 2009

Problems that I had with this Rhetorical Analysis was trying to get the paper started.  I made a thesis that outlined what I would be talking about in my paper but as far as explaining my points clearly, I still feel there could be more work.  I managed to get two to three explanations for each paragraph topic but when I was rereading through the paper, some points may be a little redundant.

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2 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis Problems

  1.    bcottri  |  March 25th, 2009 at 1:53 pm     


    Well it sounds like you’re on the right track though. As you continue to work on this essay try to figure out where your points are redundant and how you might make that less likely. Also, remember that each paragraph should only include one point so if you have 3 examples in a single paragraph, make sure all three examples are demonstrating the same idea and that you’re explaining how all three examples are demonstrating the same idea.

    I hope this helped. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me.

  2.    snye  |  March 25th, 2009 at 9:24 pm     

    Stephen! I had the same exact problem. I just could not get this paper started. It sounds like you organized yourself a little bit better then I did but I just could not think of the right way to get myself organized to even think about what to write about. I think that the peer workshop today helped out a little bit, I hope it did for you as well. It looked like you had a lot done. But good luck with everything!

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