PSAs and How it relates to Literacies

March 4, 2009

The PSA project that we are working on relates to Literacies because we are expressing ideas through technology.  We are making a video that tries to inform and persuade the audience about a specific purpose.  Like other Literacies, this type of Literacy that we are making can be understood by all types of literate people. By being able to reach a larger scope of audience, our PSA may have more of a chance getting accepted more than a written literacy because of the fact that people like to watch videos more than reading.

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One thought on “PSAs and How it relates to Literacies

  1.    kareemw  |  March 4th, 2009 at 12:22 pm     

    I think your idea of taking your audience into consideration is very important when connecting them to literacy because not all people are literate in the same areas. I agree that your PSA (as well as the rest of the class’ PSAs) will be more aceepted than something written due to the fact that most people would rather watch than read.

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