Think Before You Post

February 20, 2009

In the Think Before You Post  PSA commercial, there are many things that come into play to help prove a point.  The actors help portray the message by acting lik greedy people who have to see the picture that the girl posts up.  All of the actors are looking at the picture and talking about the main girl behind her back.  The persuasive techniques that this video uses are appealing to the audiences emotions because the main girl regrets what she posted but realizes that she will never be able to take it back.  The voice over plays the role of intimidating the audience.  The voice sounds weak and it is begging the audience to not post stuff online that you don’t want posted.

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2 thoughts on “Think Before You Post

  1.    tctoney  |  February 22nd, 2009 at 11:08 pm     

    Your analysis really creates a picture about how all the different elements come together to make a good PSA. I think it interesting you thought the role of the voice over was to intimidate the audience. I said it sounded a bit motherly and how it warns but looking at it as intimidating is a totally different way to look at it.

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