Literacy Statistics

February 20, 2009

After reading through the statistics, I was surprised to see the diverse results.  Much of these statistics centered around people who were illiterate but the results show literacy decreasing.  My reaction to this is that education either needs to change or go back to the old formula that was working before the 1980’s because the one statistic that shows the lieracy level has not increased since the 1970’s.  Maybe living in a fast paced society is hindering how we learn becuase children are not spending enough time with literacies.  Two statistics that illustrate that this is that parents who read to their children in kindergarden is decreasing, and how 4th graders are not at the level of literacy that they should be.  I feel that if something must have worked leading up to the 1970’s and it is just too shocking to see a society that is surrounded by information from technology to have a decrease in literacies.

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2 thoughts on “Literacy Statistics

  1.    ncantre  |  February 20th, 2009 at 10:58 am     

    I agree with you on your points that parent are not reading to their children as much. Traditional values are decreasing in our society. You maybe right in that we need to find new ways or techniques to educate ourchildren.

  2.    lpate  |  February 23rd, 2009 at 10:38 am     

    I agree that these statistics were surprising and diverse results. I think you are right about the education needing to change. I guess you don’t really think about it until you see statistics like these. I don’t know if it is shocking or sad… or both!

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