Trega Sonic the Monster

February 13, 2009

Today I have brought into the word the most beautiful creature in the land.  He is a monster by the name of Trega Sonic.  He is tall, green, he has red eyes with orange pupils.  His hands have three fingers and his left foot has four toes while the right one has only two toes.  Also he has orange horns.  He is my creation and he is like a son to me.

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6 thoughts on “Trega Sonic the Monster

  1.    snye  |  February 13th, 2009 at 10:59 am     

    Your description was fairly good. I think that our pictures looked very similar. A couple things you did not include was the nose or the mouth or any other kind of details of the monster. But tallness and shape of the monster, we had the exact same. Your horns were a little taller than mine were and your eyes were a little bit different but I think that overall our monsters were very similar. Because your monster was pretty simple without too much detail it was a good description to look at and draw from.

  2.    bcottri  |  February 15th, 2009 at 10:41 am     

    Nice description, Stephen. How close was Sam’s drawing of your monster? Did she get it from your description?

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