The Ideal Reader Approach

February 6, 2009

My Five Topics

Poetry I shared with my English Teacher

Musical Director for the Music Man

Stage Director for stage crew

Sixth Grade English Teacher

Star Wars Book Collection

When I came up with these topics for my literacy narrative, I had to take into consideration what experiences in my life would relate to my readers.  I wanted to come up with a narritve that I could easily write about because if I want to keep my readers interested, I have to be able to write memorably with content that will keep them captivated.  Also, when I  write something personal, I myself have more interest in what I am writing and will be more motivated to come up with ideas while I write.  My ideal reader for this assignment, is some one who went through a similar experience and would be able to relate to my narrative. However, that will not always be the case, so I will have to be inventive with my writing so I can reach a broader spectrum.

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