Literacy Post

January 14, 2009

When I enrolled in English 207, I expected to learn how to write more efficently and to write in different writing styles.  I expect to learn about different literacies like I have learned about today.  This is my first time using a blog and it is a very different experience for me becuase I haven’t done that much writing for classes via the web.

As for the term literacy, I understand it as the ability to read or write in a specific fashion.  There obviously aren’t to many different ways to read but there are many different writing styles that have different ways communicating ideas.

I think that learning about more types of literacies coincides with why we write in the first place.  We write becuase we want to  share ideas and information, and communicate with each other.

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One thought on “Literacy Post

  1.    bcottri  |  January 15th, 2009 at 6:27 pm     


    You raise a fabulous point in saying that in posting this first blog you’re practicing a new literacy. In fact, many of your classmates could have said similar things. It can be uncomfortable to be asked to function in space that you aren’t familiar with. Obviously you can write, and I would guess that you’ve used the internet quite frequently since you were pretty young (though I may be wrong about that), and you’ve been a student probably for most of your life. If this is the case, then all three of these elements are comfortable, but it’s different when you’re asked to mesh them together. This is something you may want to bring up in class on Friday or future classes.

    Great work!

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