Hong Kong Baptist University Exchange Program blog

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Hong Kong Baptist University Exchange Program blog

post your experience in BGSU and Hong Kong here

July 20th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

Life as an exchange student is great.  Please share your experience on this blogs. You can post pictures, videos and audio here.


One thought on “post your experience in BGSU and Hong Kong here

  1. Hansel Dobbs
    4:05 pm - 10-24-2010

    I studied abroad at HKBU Spring semester of 2000. I got to see the Chinese New Year 2000 and the Thailand New Year 2000 since it’s around April or so at the same time of Buddhas birthday. It’s so hard to write everything down to fully encompass the greatness of the experience. I really loved just walking around the city with friends soaking it all in. I remember just sitting on the benches in TST watching the ferries cross Victoria Harbor. Beautiful!

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