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Image Essay #7

Filed under: Image Essays — slrate at 10:38 am on Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This picture of the Start Wars characters is a perfect example of the hierarchical triangle. The most important character in the movie, Luke Skywalker, is in the foreground of the picture. He is also the biggest person in the image. He is the dominant figure. Princess Leia and Han Solo are the subordinate characters in the movie and in the picture because they are directly behind Luke Skywalker. You can also tell they are the subordinate characters because they are slightly smaller than Luke. All of the other characters such as Chewbacca, R2D2 and C3PO are all accentual characters. They are all important to the movie, but in this specific one they are the least important, therefore, they are the smallest and placed around all of the main characters. Even though Luke Skywalker is in the front of the triangle, the way that Darth Vader’s hand is coming out and is bigger and above the rest of the characters and how large his head is in the background, it seems as if he is the dominant character. He is just as important as Luke Skywalker, so he is placed in the background, not to be overlooked, but to stand out. 

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