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Module #3: Multicultural Activism

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Art History: Feminists have worked to resurrect various artists from the past. Is there a way to both successfully resurrect artists and point to the fundamental institutional inequalities that Nochlin and Kraft pointed us to?

I believe that feminists working towards equality for female artists, are very much like feminists that are working for the overall equality for women. The reason many authors say that women haven’t been given credit for art in the past, is because women have been entirely left out of history books. Whether it be political, social, etc. . . women have been underrepresented in history in all ways in the past. Despite this, however, women are absolutely able to resurrect not only art history, but all history.

In my opinion, there is only one way to truly overcome gender inequality: change the minds of the youth so in many decades, everyone overall has an equal view of men and women. Unfortunately, I think it is too late to entirely change the minds of the elderly and those who have grown up with gender inequality. Therefore, if we teach our children that women played as much of a role in history (Socially, politically, AND in ART). . . as men did, the children who one day become adults, will never know the different.

Do you agree? Do you think that the only way to truly change the minds of society overall about women, is to change the minds of the youth? Will this resurrect women’s art?

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